Tagged: practitioner

Mark Lakeman City Repair in Kalamazoo

City Repair, Grassroots Place-Making and Urban Permaculture, with Mark Lakeman

Mark works to educate and inspire communities and individuals to creatively transform the places where they live through: broad participation, local ownership, and transference of authority to local populations, creative expression in planned and unplanned processes, and social capital as the primary economic engine of change.

Darren Doherty Workshops

Permaculture Theory & Practicum: Darren Doherty (Chicago)

Darren J Doherty (of Regrarians Ltd.) one of “the world’s leading experts” in Permaculture will be conducting an Applied Permaculture course in a 140 acre property in Elburn, Illinois and a 54 acre farm in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Darren is often called a “teacher’s teacher” & “consultant’s consultant”  He has been described as “one of the most...

Permaculture Slide Show at Lily Hill Farm

NOTE: PJ Posting this on behalf of Jenny Pell) Hi Van-Kal permaculture, I’m visiting from the Seattle area, consulting with Lily Hill Farm for 5 days, and we are hosting a slideshow, lecture, and Q & A evening this Monday. It would be great if some folks from your community would join us. I’ll...

Colette O’Neill

Looking at pictures of the Permaculture gardens at Bealtaine Cottage, it seems completely impossible that such beauty and abundance could have come from 3 acres of north-facing, wet, rush-infested land, without the help of any chemicals or tilling. It’s even more remarkable that this garden of Eden was built almost entirely by one woman...

Bill Mollison

Bill Mollison

Bill Mollison is a name that should be familiar to most people who’ve had any exposure to Permaculture, as he is the co-originator of the term and practice (with David Holmgren), and probably its most widely-published author and widely-traveled teacher and promoter. He was 50 years old when the seminal Permaculture One was published...

Martin Crawford

Martin Crawford

Martin Crawford is a pioneer in temperate-climate forest gardening, taking up the work of Robert Hart but applying it at a larger scale, with better plant spacing and arrangement, an academic fastidiousness, and much larger number of species. He has been publishing the excellent Agroforestry News from the UK since 1992, and more recently...

Portrait of Mark Shepard

Mark Shepard

Mark Shepard may be the first person in the U.S. to apply Permaculture at the scale of a 100+ acre farm, with tree crop polycultures as the primary focus. He took up the lessons of J. Russell Smith and put them into practice on a hilly, beat-up farm in SW Wisconsin in the mid-1990s....